Figure with an umbrella.

Made with 💛

My name is Mia Lane. I'm a webdeveloper, social engineer, professional photographer, mineral and botany enthusiast, and a security researcher interested in programming, linguistics, philosophy, astrophysics, nuclear reactors, meteorology and science.

I am able to speak 4 languages: Russian, Serbian, English and German and I'm learning other languages such as Japanese, Finnish, Indonesian and Swedish.

My lifetime goal is to achieve finesse in as many fields as I can. I'm an improvement enthusiast and I enjoy gaining knowledge. Some of my best skillsets are: arts, typing, social engineering, OSINT, security, languages and physics.

My projects:


- My webring for me and my friends.


- Ultra lightweight systemfetch script written in python.


- My blog running on writeas.


- Astronomical distance calculator.

gowor fisse

- My constructed language.